Editor’s note: On 15th November, SalvationDATA and its Malaysia partner Siaga Informatics jointly held the SalvationDATA Product Day in Hilton Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. More than 50 Malaysia governmental officers from PDRM, SPRM, MINDEF, KPDNKK, MAF, MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), Cyber Security Malaysia etc. and digital forensic experts from RHB Banking Group, KPMG, MSU etc. attended the seminar.

SalvationDATA Product Day MalaysiaSalvationDATA Product Day MalaysiaSalvationDATA Product Day Malaysia

During the seminar, SalvationDATA’s core technology in computer forensics, mobile forensics, DVR forensics, and integrated forensic laboratory solution has drawn a great deal of attention and topics among the audience. The participants speak highly of SalvationDATA products like DRS, SPF and VIP, especially CCTV DVR forensic product VIP, its fragmented video extraction and overwritten video recovery function really play an important role in DVR forensics. And also everyone agrees with SalvationDATA’s customized forensic workstations can really help to increase their efficiency at work.

SalvationDATA Product Day MalaysiaSalvationDATA Product Day MalaysiaSalvationDATA Product Day Malaysia

The seminar was successfully ended with all the efforts of our partner Siaga Informatics. Thanks to all the participants and cooperators. See you soon on next SalvationDATA Product Day!

We also paid a visit to SPRM Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in the new building and introduced our integrated digital forensics solution. Very grateful to SPRM officer’s generous hospitality and SIAGA for making this happen!