Editor’s note: During 14th-16th this month, our Director Mr. Kenny Wong and forensic engineer Mr. Raymond Luo were invited to visit Thailand by Teletrol-One Co.Ltd. After a productive meeting, we are delighted to announce the new partnership between Teletrol-One and SalvationDATA in Thailand. Both of us reached an agreement to fully recommend SalvationDATA’s integrated forensic laboratory solutions and digital forensics products to the Thailand market. This new supportive partnership will help us further reach our potential.


The strategic partnership with Teletrol-One Co.Ltd is consistent with our mission to support customers across the country and to continuously deliver better services to help and improve the digital forensics industry in Thailand,  we firmly believe that delivering better forensic products to customers is the way, how we create greater value for our customers.

Also, we were invited to demonstrate our forensic products including Computer forensicsMobile forensics, DVR forensics, and Forensics lab solution with two forensic departments of Royal Thai Police, they have expressed interest in VIP(Video Investigation Portable) and SPF Pro (SmartPhone Forensics System Professional), furthermore, purchase intention has been determined by customers.